Now this is the breath of fresh air I’ve been looking for! New Model, Original Parts is a perfect description of the film not just cos the original cast is back but the “New model” is really the way the story is writen out. Forgive my indulgence but I’m gonna really dive into it.
You see it was predictable yet not quite the way you predict in terms of plot flow. There is alot that was really unexpected especially the main plot of why everyone was reunited.
And you know thats why I say it’s a breath of fresh air cos with a movie like that, you would spend many parts of the film saying to yourself “oh I think I know what’s gonna happen next… always turns out like that” but then it doesn’t and you go………..”woah I didn’t see that one coming”
Racing scenes without a doubt were excellent although there were some computer generated scenes but the close ups I must say were excellent. Very much different from “Tokyo Drift” which made this film for me, the sequel I’ve been waiting for.
The chemistry between the cast members is excellent, it was very seemless the way everyone just got back into their roles. It did have much of the same feel from the first film yet it had more tension between the characters. It’s like, everyone has some grudge against the other yet there is a familiar friendship between each other so there are kinda like “mood swings” between the characters.
The strength of Vin Diesel was pretty scary throughout the film cos he was quite pissed off for many periods and so he was literally throwing people around. This dude is strong man…………it’s even more believeable than the first film cos back then he didn’t do many superhero or superspy films but today we all know him as a big action star so you’d believe he could really throw you across the room, plus he looks bigger than he used to.
Overall it gets the 2 thumbs up from me. And now that it’s April, the summer blockbuster is almost upon us and this movie can consider itself a great opener!
Hot babe of the film: Jordana Brewster…………….hey every Fast and Furious film has a babe and for me in this one, Jordana stood out. Guess it’s the sweet girl next door look that got me.
Danker out!
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